Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Johns Creek Comprehensive Plan approved

After nearly 14 months of brainstorming and holding meetings to discuss the city's future, the Comprehensive Plan was unanimously approved by City Council Nov. 10.

The document, which includes a future land-use policy, transportation master plan and greenspace plan, will be used as a guide by the city's Planning Commission and City Council when making decisions.

The process included more than 20 committee meetings, two open houses, public hearings, a community assessment and extensive citizen input. An 11-member Citizens Advisory Committee and transportation and green plan subcommittees as well as city staff contributed to the development of the plan.

"The community put an awful lot into this process...all of us recognize the lengths that everyone went to to get here," said Councilwoman Liz Hausmann. "This really is a Johns Creek story and we really appreciate all of the hard work."

Mayor Mike Bodker thanked staff, consultant and all of those involved throughout the Comp Plan process.

"What we pass today is a huge accomplishment and a major milestone," said Bodker. "This is a living, breathing document. And as our community continues to evolve, so will this document. I think it's a fantastic start. It is the will of this council...and I think it puts our Planning Commission in a much better place then they have been up until now because now they have a guidepost with which to make future decisions as we have asked that they enforce our Comprehensive Plan in the future."

In June, City Council approved the transmittal of the document to the Georgia Department of Community Affairs and the Atlanta Regional Commission, who have since approved the plan.

The Nov. 10 City Council meeting was the final public hearing, in which no one spoke during the public comment period.

"I have found often times that it is almost anti-climatic when you get to the end of a long process," said Bodker.

The Comp Plan is available for viewing online at www.johnscreekga.gov and at Northeast Spruill Oaks and Ocee libraries.
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