Wednesday, May 7, 2008

100 join massive spin class in Suwanee

SUWANEE - The events started around 5:30 p.m. at Town Center Park for Party in de Park April 24 where more than 100 people participated in the world's largest spin class sponsored by Bodyplex Fitness Adventure.

Jason Vance, manager of the facility, said it was a challenge to get enough bicycles for the outdoor class.

"A hundred was a number I could get if I pulled from three Gwinnett clubs, which would have been a natural disaster to get them out of the clubs and out here without them getting broken," said Vance. "We asked and they (Star Trac) came up with more or less donating these bikes and saved us an enormous amount of pain."

Vance said some of the Bodyplex franchises in other areas are purchasing a vast majority of the bikes used for the event.

Surprisingly, they had no trouble finding participants. Registration filled up about a week prior to the event.

Vance said after seeing a class he hopes that spectators get a better understanding of what a spin class is all about.

"One of the things that makes a class so great and really work for everybody regardless of fitness level, is that if I'm the instructor and I yell at you to add more tension and you don't, who knows," said Vance. "So the rider can make it as difficult as you want it to be.

All the proceeds from the spin class went to benefit Lance Armstrong's LIVESTRONG Foundation.


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