Tuesday, April 29, 2008

NOW PLAYING: 'House' finally comes home

I really don't like network TV. Hate is too strong of a word here, but for the most part I don't think about it at all. It really irks me when you have shows like "Lost" that seem like more of an event than a show, where if you miss like 10 minutes of one episode you're screwed for the season. Then there's the people talking about it constantly, my God.

There's really only one show that is on my radar on the major networks, and finally (finally!) it's back with new episodes after that agonizing strike: "House." This show simply has the best character on TV, Hugh Laurie, playing the titular pill-popping, wise-cracking, genius doctor. It's probably not the best show on television given its formulaic nature – that honor probably goes to one of several contenders on HBO – but it is still excellent nonetheless.

Laurie is simply brilliant when he takes on his alter ego Gregory House. For starters, there's the voice.

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